Galactic Healings

Experience the divine gifts of the Galactics
through Galactic healings and alien technology

The galactics are helping us to raise our vibration and experience 5D by the removal of our deep-seated fears and unwanted beliefs that are holding us back. Galactic healings can remove satanic manipulations and heal the body, the subtle bodies and the chakras, as well as remove implants and microchips via a metaphysical surgery, bringing a sense of freedom and well-being. People have reported that their depression and negative thinking are lifted, and their lives and relationships improve. Through galactic 5D healing, people find it easier to remove toxins and parasites from the body and stimulate the organs to renew themselves, regaining vibrant health.

Unlock the spiritual power inside you and experience 5D and beyond.

Each distant healing session can include the following:

  • Activate your spiritual potential
  • DNA Activation
  • Removal of energetic barriers and clearing blockages
  • Energetic cord-cutting of negative karmic patterns
  • Clearing of psychic attacks, demonic attachments,
    mind control and past soul contracts

  • Chakra opening
  • Removal or deactivation of microchips, toxins and nano technology
  • May improve and/or heal health issues, injuries, and cognitive abilities
  • May help vaccine-damaged children and adults with issues such as
    ADS, ADHD and Autism
  • Heal and resolve deep-seated karmic patterns, relationship issues,
    trauma, and deep-seated family problems

Individual healings

Individualized sessions from a distance. Free email consultation is included.

To book a distance healing session:

us customers

Please prepay. Please contact me when paid, so we can book a session.


All sales are final. No refunds can be offered after a reading.

Us customers Healing
(up to 60 minutes)


international customers

Please prepay. Please contact me when paid, so we can book a session.


All sales are final. No refunds can be offered after a reading.

International customers Healing
(up to 60 minutes)


Buy now with PayPal

Please be patient and allow 1-3 days response time. I often get 100 messages a day. It is advised to use an encrypted email service such as Proton mail and a VPN, due to censorship.

DISCLAIMER:We do not guarantee immediate results. A lot of people report very positive feedback but we cannot promise a particular outcome. We promise healing energy and services but we cannot guarantee that you have immediate results. If you are in immediate need of help and have severe medical conditions, please seek help from a qualified health care provider.
